“It Takes A Long Time to Become Fully You.” (Björk Quote)

Sometimes a message travels across time and seems to wait for you on the other side. If the message is exactly what you need to hear at the time, it can produce an “Ah-ha” moment and anchor itself in your mind for weeks or months. Recently this happened to me without warning through stumbling upon an old interview of the Icelandic musician Björk, and her words struck a deep chord of truth within me:

It takes a long time to fully become who you are.
~ Björk Guðmundsdóttir

Inspontaneously True

When I first heard Björk say that, I instantly knew it to be true based on what I’ve been experiencing in my own life and my experience of growing this website. For someone like me, I find her words relieving. If you’re reading this site, you must have a bit of right-brain creativity in you, otherwise you’d already be running for the hills, watching the news, or digging that trench you’ve been planning to dig. But if you’ve made it this far, I’d like to remind you how important it is that you be patient with yourself and to remember that everyone is a work in progress.

If you consider Björk’s words further, you may realize that this is also a deeply encouraging message, as well. It implies that it is indeed possible to fully become the highest expression of who you are — the best person you can be on this planet, if you only have enough desire and commit to that path. Fully becoming who you are isn’t actually a goal you can attain in your lifetime, it’s a lifelong mission. But by committing yourself to creating your best possible self, you are spending your time on Earth in the best way possible.

The Definition of Personal Growth

Bjork Quote - It takes a long time to fully become who you are.

For those of you who know a bit about Björk, you’ll know what I mean I say she is quite a unique individual and had to overcome many internal blockages, just as we all must, to reach the heights of musical expression that she’s reached today. In fact, the quest to become the best person you can be is the definition personal growth. The closer you are to being the full expression of you, the more aware you are, and the more expressive you can be. As an artist, this means you will produce the work that is most meaningful and powerful to you, and as a traveller it means you will delve into locations and adventures that are meaningful to you with confidence and excitement. Committing to this path is not easy by any means, but isn’t the time going to pass anyway? Why not use it to become the best person you can possibly be?

You may want to print the poster out and put it somewhere you’ll see it so you can be reminded of her message everyday: Björk Quote – Become Who You Are 🙂

The poster of this quote is in the InspirationEverywhere Motivational Quotes album.

Marcel Proust Quote: Having New Eyes & Travel

Do you ever see a particular quote over and over again, for seemingly no reason? It’s been said that there are no coincidences, so it’s interesting that this Marcel Proust quote has been a reoccurring theme for me:

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

~ Marcel Proust

The first time I heard this quote, it was spoken by Fr. Roderick Vonhögen at the end of one his podcasts. From the moment I heard Proust’s words, my view on travel changed forever. Proust, being one of the great 20th century French writers, understood that perception affects personal experience just as much as one’s location.

Applies to Travel

Applying this idea to the Art of Travel: as one travels from place to place, learning along the way, one is profoundly and permanently changed through new people, landscapes, and experiences. However, one soon realizes that the landscapes one finds oneself in directly reflect the traveller’s inner state. Travel becomes a magnificent mirror to the self that allows one to examine areas of one’s life and see gaps in one’s knowledge that perhaps were not apparent before. In this way, travel provides people with an opportunity to grow their sense of perception and become more aware of the true state of themselves and others.

Marcel Proust Quote

Because this quote has continually showed up in my reality, I’ve created a small poster of it, and added it to the Byteful Gallery’s InspirationEverywhere album. There you’ll find many Inspirational & Motivational quote posters. You can print these out in places you will see them for a confidence boost every day. They can also be used as a desktop wallpaper.

Feel free to place Proust’s quote somewhere in your life to remind you to seek not just new landscapes but new eyes, as well.